
For windows instal Piano White Little
For windows instal Piano White Little

for windows instal Piano White Little

In this game, you can play piano with classic play: tap black tiles with music rhythm and do not tap white tiles. You can play these games with tons of piano melody songs! Also you can choose different musical instruments as you wish, like guitar, music box, other types of piano.

  • Run () to launch the latest version.Piano White Little has many classic mini games.
  • The audio is combined with video with ffmpeg.
  • Each core is assigned a chunk of frames and renders and saves them.
  • Each frame is rendered with pygame, saved, and encoded with opencv.
  • When the user calls Video.export, a few things happen:.
  • blocks.light: Light up blocks when hit.
  • blocks.motion_blur: Use motion blur in blocks.
  • blocks.rounding: Rounding radius of blocks.
  • lor_value: Value adjustment (multiplicative) to color.
  • lor_saturation: Saturation adjustment (multiplicative) to color.
  • lor_hue: Hue adjustment (additive) to color.
  • lor_grad: Color gradient of blocks: ((fac1, hsv1), (fac2, hsv2).).
  • blocks.border: Border width (pixels) of blocks.
  • for windows instal Piano White Little

  • blocks.speed: Speed (pixels per second) of blocks.
  • notify=False: Sends notification when done exporting.
  • max_cores=multiprocessing.cpu_count(): Maximum cores to use.
  • multicore=False: Use multiple cores to export.
  • Video.export(self, path: str, multicore: bool = False, max_cores: int = multiprocessing.cpu_count(), notify: bool = False) -> None:.
  • for windows instal Piano White Little

    show_meta=True: Show metadata in the corner of window.resolution=(1600, 900): Resolution of pygame window.Opens a pygame window to preview the animation.Video.preview(resolution: Tuple = (1600, 900), show_meta: bool = True) -> None:.Sets an option for the video (read more in the Customization section).nfigure(path: str, value: Any) -> None.decor_surf=None Decoration surface, blitted under the piano.Usually, a value of 1 makes the video look lined up with the audio.

    for windows instal Piano White Little

  • offset: Offset (frames) of video from audio.
  • resolution: (x, y) pixel resolution of video.
  • Video._init_(resolution: Tuple, fps: int, offset: int) -> None.
  • Pianovis.Video is the main video class which stores all midi and audio files, and exports the final video. Import pianovis resolution = ( 1920, 1080 ) fps = 30 offset = 1 vid = pianovis.
  • playsound (optional, for playing sound during preview).
  • vext.gi (optional, for playing sound during preview).
  • vext (optional, for playing sound during preview).
  • Install PianoVis: pip install piano-vis.

  • For windows instal Piano White Little